Quotes from David Jeremiah
Jesus not only kept Himself from engaging in evil, He also continually acted in ways that honored and glorified god. He not only continually avoided the negative, He always pursued the positive.
- David Jeremiah
No matter what else you're involved in, regardless of what else you're doing, make your children a high priority. God has given you an amazing privilege! Say no to other things before you say no to your kids.
- David Jeremiah
We fear God by honoring, reverencing, and cherishing Him. His greatness and majesty reduce us to an overpowering sense of awe that is not focused only on His wrath and judgment but also on His transcendent glory, which is like nothing else we can confront in this world. It leaves us all but speechless.
- David Jeremiah
It is God's omnipotence, His consuming holiness, and His right to judge that make Him worthy to be feared.
- David Jeremiah
The calamities we experience here are only temporary phenomena. Each disaster reminds us that a disaster-free eternity
- David Jeremiah
The next time you feel forsaken and lift up your voice to pray to Almighty God, do this—go to a private place and spend significant time reflecting on the incredible truth that the One who hears your prayers has been there too.
- David Jeremiah
Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. JOSHUA 1:9
- David Jeremiah
The doctrine of Satan is that all religions are equally valid, that all paths lead to God, that God is impersonal, unknowable, and it is therefore irrelevant to Him what we call Him or how we worship Him. If Allah and God are one and the same, then wouldn't the worship of the Hindu chief gods, Vishnu and Shiva, also be the worship of Allah and God, only by a different name? Pretty soon, everybody is God... Which is the same as saying that nobody is.
- David Jeremiah
He turned His back upon His Son so that He would never have to turn His back on you.
- David Jeremiah
every troubled time and every troubled person.
- David Jeremiah
Every child is created uniquely by God. God puts a certain formula in the heart of every child. And it is the parents' challenge to figure out the combination. We need to spend time studying, looking, listening, and observing.
- David Jeremiah
America has learned what our repressive and terrorist adversaries do not understand: that liberty without law is anarchy, liberty to defy law is rebellion, but liberty limited by law is the cornerstone of civilization.
- David Jeremiah