Quotes from Thomas Merton
THE MONASTERY IS A SCHOOL—A SCHOOL IN WHICH WE learn from God how to be happy.
- Thomas Merton
We believe, not because we want to know, but because we want to be.
- Thomas Merton
And when I thought there was no God and no love and no mercy, you were leading me all the while into the midst of His love and His mercy and taking me, without my knowing anything about it, to the house that would hide me in the secret of His Face.
- Thomas Merton
I could recognize that those who thought about God had a good way of considering Him, and that those who believed in Him really believed in someone, and their faith was more than a dream.
- Thomas Merton
Everything that happens to the poor, the meek, the desolate, the mourners, the despised, happens to Christ.
- Thomas Merton
The humble man also loves himself, and seeks to be loved and honored, not because love and honor are due to him but because they are not due to him. He seeks to be loved by the mercy of God.
- Thomas Merton
From where I sit and write at this moment, I look out the window, across the quiet guest-house garden, with the four banana trees and the big red and yellow flowers around Our Lady's statue. I can see the door where Dan entered and where I entered. Beyond the Porter's Lodge is a low green hill where there was wheat this summer. And out there, yonder, I can hear the racket of the diesel tractor: I don't know what they are ploughing.)
- Thomas Merton
Life is not attained by reasoning and analysis but first of all by living.
- Thomas Merton
Not all works are alike. For Scripture says that Abraham was hospitable and God was with him. Elias loved solitary prayer, and God was with him. And David was humble, and God was with him. Therefore, whatever you see your soul to desire according to God, do that thing, and you shall keep your heart safe.
- Thomas Merton
What I need most of all is the grace to really accept God as He gives Himself to me in every situation. "He came unto His own and His own received Him not." Good Shepherd, You have a wild and crazy sheep in love with thorns and brambles. But please don't get tired of looking for me! I know You won't. For You have found me. All I have to do is stay found. April 11, 1948
- Thomas Merton
Tu qui sedes in tenebris spe tua gaude: orta stella matutina, sol non tardabit.
- Thomas Merton
It is a terrible thing to think of the grace that is wasted in this world
- Thomas Merton