Quotes from Philip Schaff
But that the charge of Sabellianism and Montanism should be repeatedly urged against our doctrines, is much the same as if one should lay to our charge the blasphemy of the Anomœans. For if one were carefully to investigate the falsehood of these heresies, he would find that they have great similarity to the error of Eunomius.
- Philip Schaff
The history of mankind before his birth must be viewed as a preparation for his coming, and the history after his birth as a gradual diffusion of his spirit and progress of his kingdom.
- Philip Schaff
The Calvinistic system involves a positive truth: the election to eternal life by free grace, and the negative inference: the reprobation to eternal death by arbitrary justice. The former is the strength, the latter is the weakness of the system. The former is practically accepted by all true believers; the latter always has been, and always will be, repelled by the great majority of Christians.
- Philip Schaff
On the other hand, no man is saved mechanically or by force, but through faith, freely, by accepting the gift of God. This implies the contrary power of rejecting the gift. To accept is no merit, to reject is ingratitude and guilt. All Calvinistic preachers appeal to man's responsibility. They pray as if everything depended on God; and yet they preach and work as if everything depended on man.
- Philip Schaff
And the Church is directed to send the gospel to every creature. We pray for the salvation of all men, but not for the loss of a single human being. Christ interceded even for his murderers on the cross. Here, then, is a practical difficulty. The decree of reprobation cannot be made an object of prayer or preaching, and this is an argument against it. Experience confirms election, but repudiates reprobation.
- Philip Schaff
The problem, however, comes within the reach of possible solution, if we distinguish between sovereignty as an inherent power, and the exercise of sovereignty. God may limit the exercise of his sovereignty to make room for the free action of his creatures. It is by his sovereign decree that man is free. Without such self-limitation he could not admonish men to repent and believe. Here, again, the Calvinistic logic must either bend or break.
- Philip Schaff
Who touches money touches dirt; and the less religion has to do with it, the better.
- Philip Schaff
The history of the Church is the rise and progress of the kingdom of heaven upon earth, for the glory of God and the salvation of the world.
- Philip Schaff
Religion and liberty are inseparable. Religion is voluntary, and cannot and ought not to be forced.
- Philip Schaff
In our country we ask no toleration for religion and its free exercise, but we claim it as an inalienable right.
- Philip Schaff
If Christians are ever to be united, they must be united in Christ, their living head and the source of their spiritual life.
- Philip Schaff
The apostolic writings are of three kinds: historical, didactic, and prophetic.
- Philip Schaff