Quotes from Jon Gordon
Because optimists believe in a positive future, they actually delude themselves into working more to make it possible. Their belief makes them willing to take actions to achieve it. As a result, positive leaders invest their time and energy in driving a positive culture.
- Jon Gordon
Rule #1 You're the Driver of Your Bus.
- Jon Gordon
I expect great things to happen today. I trust in God's plan for my life. I accept all of the love, joy, abundance, and success in my life. I accept all the people who want to work with me and benefit from my gifts and love. Every day I am getting stronger, healthier, and better. "Now
- Jon Gordon
Richard Bach, the author of Illusions and Jonathan Livingston Seagull, who said, "You are never given a wish without the power to make it come true." The positive energy formula was inspired by the formula E + R = 0, which Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles, shared with me.
- Jon Gordon
If everything came easy, we wouldn't know what it felt like to truly succeed.
- Jon Gordon
they asked them if they could do it all over again and live their life again what would they do differently. The three things that almost all of them said were: (1) They would reflect more. Enjoy more moments. More sunrises and sunsets. More moments of joy. (2) They would take more risks and chances. Life is too short not to go for it. (3) They would have left a legacy. Something that would live on after they die.
- Jon Gordon
You can choose to see the curse or the gift. And this one choice will determine if your life is a success story or one big soap opera.
- Jon Gordon
The best legacy you could leave is not some building that is named after you or a piece of jewelry but rather a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions.
- Jon Gordon
What can I learn from this challenge? What is it teaching me? Then he would stay positive and trust that the lessons would make him stronger, wiser, and better.
- Jon Gordon
Enthusiasm is important. But love is the answer. To really, really, and I mean really, tap the power of your heart and lead with positive, contagious energy you must love your passengers. You've got to become a Love Magnet," she said.
- Jon Gordon
Every crisis offers an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser; to reach deep within and discover a better you that will create a better outcome. So while this is your crisis, what matters most is what you do with it.
- Jon Gordon
It doesn't matter how much success you have in your career; if you fail at home you are a failure.
- Jon Gordon