Quotes from Jon Gordon
Culture drives expectations and beliefs; expectations and beliefs drive behavior; behavior drives habits; and habits create the future. It all starts with culture.
- Jon Gordon
So be confident that victory is yours and yet walk humbly each day, relying on God to receive this victory.
- Jon Gordon
But I do know that if you want to change your situation you must first change your thoughts. Because if you keep on thinking what you have been thinking you'll keep on getting what you have been getting.
- Jon Gordon
When leaders become focused on the fruit instead of the root and worry about the outcome instead of the process of developing team members, they may survive in the short run, but they will not thrive in the long run.
- Jon Gordon
Stop being disappointed about where you are and start being optimistic about where you are going.
- Jon Gordon
You want to be a passionate leader who makes decisions that are based on belief and principle over those that are based on feeling.
- Jon Gordon
To build a winning team, you must help your players and staff have amnesia about past outcomes and remember all the little things they did to get better.
- Jon Gordon
The past has to be viewed as a springboard to the future.
- Jon Gordon
She decided that the greatest gift she could give her children would not be wealth or material things, but rather the gifts she could leave in them. In their hearts, in their minds, in their attitudes toward life
- Jon Gordon
The measure of our success will not be determined by how we act during the great times in our life but rather by how we think and respond to the challenges of our most difficult moments.
- Jon Gordon
Yes!" the carpenter exclaimed. "When you love, you serve, and when you serve, you sacrifice. Service requires a sacrifice of something. Whether it's time, energy, money, love, effort, or focus, serving others always costs you something, but with service and sacrifice, you gain so much more.
- Jon Gordon
The world needs you to speak into the hearts of others and say, I believe in you. If you have the desire then you also have the power to make it happen. Keep working hard. You're improving and getting better. Keep it up. Great things are coming your way. We've hit a lot of obstacles but we'll overcome. Even if you fail, it will lead to something even better. You're learning and growing.
- Jon Gordon