Quotes from Jon Gordon
I would sit in at a jazz brunch [at sweet Basil] with Eddie Chamblee, who was a great tenor player. Really a kind man. The whole band was great.
- Jon Gordon
There were a lot of great things you could go and hear for very little money at the time [ '80s]. Mike Stern is still playing at the 55 Bar on Mondays or Wednesdays.
- Jon Gordon
Positivity is like a boomerang. The more we put it out there, the more it comes back to us.
- Jon Gordon
Only through service and sacrifice can you become great.
- Jon Gordon
You can't be a great leader if all you are serving is yourself.
- Jon Gordon
Anyone who attempts to build great things will face challenges.
- Jon Gordon
Dust on gold doesn't change the nature of gold.
- Jon Gordon
Adversity is not a dead end but a detour to a better outcome than you can imagine!
- Jon Gordon
Challenges ONLY make you STRONGER!!!
- Jon Gordon
Don't let negative people drain your energy. Focus on your positive energy and kill them with kindness. Energy vampires are no match for your positive energy.
- Jon Gordon
Every morning you have a choice. Are you going to be a positive thinker or a negative thinker? Positive thinking will energize you.
- Jon Gordon
When you experience resistance, you find the lessons that you are meant to learn
- Jon Gordon