Quotes from Teresa of Avila
It constantly happens that the Lord permits a soul to fall so that it may grow humbler.
- Teresa of Avila
Let nothing disturb thee, Let nothing affright thee, All things are passing, God changeth never.
- Teresa of Avila
To have courage for whatever comes in life - everything lies in that.
- Teresa of Avila
We know only that we are living in these bodies and have a vague idea, because we have heard it, and because our faith tells us so, that we possess souls. As to what good qualities there may be in our souls, or who dwells within them, or how precious they are, those are things which we seldom consider and so we trouble little about carefully preserving the soul's beauty.
- Teresa of Avila
As to the aridity you are suffering from, it seems to me our Lord is treating you like someone He considers strong: He wants to test you and see if you love Him as much at times of aridity as when He sends you consolations. I think this is a very great favor for God to show you.
- Teresa of Avila
To argue over who is the more noble is nothing more than to dispute whether dirt is better for making bricks or for making mortar.
- Teresa of Avila
Don't let your sins turn into bad habits.
- Teresa of Avila
What friends or kindred can be so close and intimate as the powers of our soul, which, whether we will or no, must ever bear us company?
- Teresa of Avila
Patient endurance attends to all things.
- Teresa of Avila
Granting that we are always in the presence of God, yet it seems to me that those who pray are in His presence in a very different sense; for they, as it were, see that He is looking upon them, while others may go for days on end without even once recollecting that God sees them.
- Teresa of Avila
To wish to act like angels while we are still in this world is nothing but folly.
- Teresa of Avila
Don't be curious of matters that don't concern you; never speak of them, and don't ask about them.
- Teresa of Avila