Quotes from Bill Johnson
There is no such thing as secular employment for the believer. Once we are born again, everything about us is redeemed for Kingdom purposes. It is all spiritual. It is either a legitimate Kingdom expression, or we shouldn't be involved at all.
- Bill Johnson
Thankfulness and hunger create the atmosphere for increase.
- Bill Johnson
The reason for problems in our churches is not that we are all evil people. It is simply that we have not learned the ways of the King and His Kingdom enough for Him to influence how we think and live in every part of our lives.
- Bill Johnson
It is quite another to endure and respect those whose passion is to pursue living an authentic Gospel in ways that challenge our comfort zones. Such is the nature of real faith. It offends the stationary.
- Bill Johnson
Why do we question good news? It's because we have allowed our circumstances to shape us in a way that expects good things to end. In the Kingdom, when life is created, it continues to bring life. Anything outside of the Kingdom teaches us that good things end. So what world do we want to live from? The Kingdom or outside of the Kingdom?
- Bill Johnson
The same way that Jesus became flesh, the Holy Spirit becomes words, and when they are spoken, they bring life.
- Bill Johnson
God has chosen to veil Himself in just the right measure so that our wills and intellects could be shaped by our allegiance to Him. He is there for anyone humble enough to recognize his or her personal need. He is also subtle enough to be ignored by those who are filled with themselves.
- Bill Johnson
Faith doesn't deny a problem's existence. It denies a problem a place of influence.
- Bill Johnson
Satan is limited in every way. God gave him his gifts and abilities at his own creation. There has never been a battle between God and satan. The entire realm of darkness could be forever wiped out with a word. But God chose to defeat him through those made in His own likeness—those who would worship God by choice.
- Bill Johnson
It is the most amazing time in the world to be alive in God — to hear his voice, to hear what he is saying, to see what he intends to do in the earth, and what his heart is like for the people. It is an amazing time.
- Bill Johnson
We have delegated authority to establish His Kingdom wherever the sole of our foot treads. But while God calls us "kings," the degree to which we walk in that position is still a matter of potential. And God is not responsible for making us reach our potential. It requires our participation.
- Bill Johnson
Let me put this in my words: Solomon asked for a hearing heart, and God said, Okay, I'll give you wisdom. The implication is that wisdom is not just a deposit made into somebody who now has all the answers. It implies that the ability to hear the voice of God is the key to wisdom. Wisdom, then, is a relational fruit.
- Bill Johnson