Quotes from Bill Johnson
Just because you are going to Heaven doesn't mean you have Heaven established in you. Success is Heaven on earth.
- Bill Johnson
Any area of my life for which I have no hope is under the influence of a lie.
- Bill Johnson
To have divine favor on your life means you'll attract extraordinary opposition
- Bill Johnson
Now is the time to start a normal christian life!
- Bill Johnson
Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.
- Bill Johnson
It's a great tragedy when the Bible is interpreted by those who are not in love.
- Bill Johnson
Grace is the atmosphere created by love that makes faith the only reasonable response
- Bill Johnson
God himself is the greatest gift.
- Bill Johnson
So Jesus came and modelled a lifestyle of power and purity because the power of the Spirit of God was on him. He was trying to show those of us who would follow what life would be like in someone who had no sin and was completely empowered by the Spirit of God.
- Bill Johnson
He arms us with purpose by giving us a promise instead of the answer. That way, we are forced to learn how to believe Him before the answer comes and then learn how to exercise His will in the circumstances that are contrary to the given promise. This is part of what it means to be a co-laborer with Christ. He labors, and we labor with Him.
- Bill Johnson
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Rev. 19:10). A testimony prophesies what is possible again. It declares another miracle is now available. It illustrates to all who will listen, the nature of God and His covenant with mankind.
- Bill Johnson
The enemy uses lies to make problems appear bigger than the solutions we carry.
- Bill Johnson