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Quotes from Bill Johnson

The extreme joy, the weeping, the shaking and trembling, the visions and dreams, the healing, the deliverance, and the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit, including tongues and prophecy, all are revelations of His face. Some people love these manifestations, and some people reject them. But the sobering thing to realize is that our response to the move of the Spirit is not a response to manifestations. Rather, it is a response to the face of God.
- Bill Johnson
God is bigger than His book.
- Bill Johnson
Fear attacks the foundation of our relationship with God—our faith. Fear is faith in the devil; it is also called unbelief.
- Bill Johnson
Believing that God is good is absolutely vital to becoming effective in the ministry of the gospel. Without that foundation, it's not possible to develop the clear focus and the strength of faith to pursue the breakthroughs that the earth aches for. The way we understand Him is the way we will present Him. How we see Him defines how we think and how we live.
- Bill Johnson
The four cornerstones of thought in our biblical worldview are these: God is Good, Nothing is Impossible, The Blood of Jesus Paid for Everything, and Every Person is Significant.
- Bill Johnson
Holy Spirit, help me to welcome the unusual and supernatural. These are the very things that the world longs for.
- Bill Johnson
I declare that I was created to be part of the "greater works" generation. I embrace this call of God upon my life, that the name of Jesus might be held in highest honor all over the earth!
- Bill Johnson
At minimum, we should at least attempt to do what Jesus did—including raise the dead. The fear of looking foolish to others has kept many from responding to this command of the Lord. In addition, we might never do this assignment well. But that does not give me the right to change the assignment to what I do well, and then call that my ministry.
- Bill Johnson
Self-confidence is no greater than self. God confidence, which is called faith, is as big as God.
- Bill Johnson
Heaven is my destiny, while bringing the Kingdom is my assignment. The focus of the Kingdom message is the rightful dominion of God over everything.
- Bill Johnson
I have purposed to spend the rest of my life learning what it means to live a life of resurrection power and presence. I know that it is in this way that I can best represent the Father of life as Jesus did. The example that Jesus gave me, along with His great commission, is enough for me to respond with a resounding yes! I will follow with all of my heart, to the glory of God our Father.
- Bill Johnson
The time to pray is beforehand, as Jesus did, crying out to God in private times when nothing is going wrong. That's how to store up power and create an inner atmosphere of peace and faith that you take with you into the troubling situation.
- Bill Johnson