Quotes from Bill Johnson
The only justifiable model we have is Jesus Christ. The job description is fairly simple: heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and cleanse lepers. If you say you are not gifted in such things, then I say, 'Find out why.' Most of what we need in life will be brought to us, but most of what we want we'll have to go and get. God has made these realities available. We must pursue them. These gifts are the overflow of the face of God encounter.
- Bill Johnson
He was saying that when our minds are renewed, we will see the Kingdom displayed and proven as He did in His earthly ministry. That's what it means to "see" the Kingdom of Heaven. Our souls long to see such things. We have inside of us an unrelenting hunger to watch the Kingdom break into this realm—and not just to watch but to participate, to become the connecting point and gateway for God's power.
- Bill Johnson
We cannot use the political spirit in one situation and think we can be free from it in another. The political spirit uses the fear of man and manipulation to get people to support a particular way of thinking.
- Bill Johnson
As Christians, we must get rid of the notion that the only answer for life's troubles is for us to die and go to heaven. Don't be mistaken—heaven is real and is greater than we can possibly imagine. But the kind of attitude that says rescue from this earth is the only thing we live for is an insult to the power of the blood of Jesus and the purpose of redemption.
- Bill Johnson
Things are visible to those who have faith and generosity, enabling them to call the destiny out in others
- Bill Johnson
Working from His presence is better than working for His presence.
- Bill Johnson
It is going back to God's perspective of reality and living as if we really believe it. His purpose—His reality—is to raise up a delegated group of people who work with Him to destroy the works of the devil, who demonstrate and prove the will of God here on earth as it is in Heaven. That is the core of the Great Commission, and it is your privilege and mine to co-labor with Him in it.
- Bill Johnson
But it is illegitimate to allow fear to keep us from pursuing a deeper experience with God! Embracing such fear causes a failure to the other extreme, which is culturally more acceptable, but significantly worse in eternity.
- Bill Johnson
The dominion we lost is one of the things Jesus came to take back. He bought us through shedding His blood as the sacrificial lamb when He took our place in death.
- Bill Johnson
God delights in us and showers us with blessings just because we belong to Him. He delights over us and gives us access to realms of God simply for our pleasure.
- Bill Johnson
God doesn't have to try to do supernatural things. He is supernatural. He would have to try to not be. If He is invited to a situation, we should expect nothing but supernatural invasion.
- Bill Johnson
If our study of the Bible doesn't lead us to a deeper relationship (an encounter) with God, then it simply is adding to our tendency toward spiritual pride. We increase our knowledge of the Bible to feel good about our standing with God, and to better equip us to argue with those who disagree with us.
- Bill Johnson