Quotes from Bill Johnson
The people who are most vulnerable to overextending themselves on behalf of ministry relationships are people who struggle with intimacy—both with God and others. Ministry can be a great place for them to feel connected and loved, but the truth is, without the accountability that only comes from covenant friendships, they are just being set up for burnout or compromise.
- Bill Johnson
Worship has become a primary part of life. It's wonderful when it's in the corporate gathering. But it's shallow when it's only corporate. My personal life must be one of continuous worship to experience the transformations that I long for. We always become like the one we worship.
- Bill Johnson
Our true nature and personality will never come to fullness apart from His manifest Presence. Learning to host Him is at the center of our assignment, and it must become our focus so that we can have the success He desires before Jesus returns.
- Bill Johnson
I honor You for the fact that of the increase of Your government there will be no end!
- Bill Johnson
Any revelation from God's Word that does not lead us to an encounter with God only serves to make us more religious. The Church cannot afford "form without power," for it creates Christians without purpose.
- Bill Johnson
So when I read that there is the fear of the Lord in the New Testament, I have to adjust my definition. What I think, live, and teach must be consistent with the Bible, so I allow what is written to prune my definition until it will stand the test of God's Word itself.
- Bill Johnson
Jesus, the Model Teacher, never separated teaching from doing.
- Bill Johnson
When they heard the testimony of what God had done, the anointing on the testimony opened a realm of possibility. The atmosphere became pregnant with the opportunity for the miracle that had been described in the testimony to be duplicated. When they engaged their faith and stepped into that opportunity in the slightest measure, that possibility became reality.
- Bill Johnson
Our assignment and destiny is to advance the Kingdom.
- Bill Johnson
It's apparent that we speak the word, and the Father does the works—miracles!
- Bill Johnson
This is the responsibility of all Kingdom citizens. We represent our true homeland by bringing its culture to our temporary abode—the earth.
- Bill Johnson
Those who are in famine will always listen to those with food. The problem has been that we in the Body of Christ haven't looked as though we have any food. We've looked no different from the rest of the world. Christians have been taught that the power of God is no longer available today, and they have protested against sinners rather than loving them.
- Bill Johnson