Quotes from Bill Johnson
Unfortunately, pulpit ministry has long been seen as the measure of true devotion to Christ, or worse yet, it has been seen as the measure of spiritual maturity.
- Bill Johnson
But in reality, the Bible is a closed book. Anything I can get from the Word without God will not change my life. It is closed to insure that I remain dependent on the Holy Spirit.
- Bill Johnson
But Jesus didn't go through all that He went through so we could be busy with religious activities. He placed the Spirit of resurrection within us that we might conquer something. Most
- Bill Johnson
Learning to host the Presence of God is the biggest challenge of the Christian life.
- Bill Johnson
Instead, I hope to raise the value we place on the call of God, in whatever way that call manifests in someone's life. The dentist, the lawyer, the housewife, the mechanic and all the rest are called by God to do what they do to more fully express who He is in a functioning and healthy society.
- Bill Johnson
I realize that true success is not measured in the number of people who attend church on a Sunday, as good a thing as that may seem. Success in God's eyes is seen in the impact the message of the Kingdom has on how people think and live in my city, region and nation.
- Bill Johnson
As king, Saul was entrusted with a measure of anointing to lead the armies of Israel to victory and shepherd the people. Yet, without the strength of character that only comes by winning private battles, these public victories exposed the previously hidden weakness of Saul's heart toward God.
- Bill Johnson
Healing, salvation, wholeness, provision, and joy have already been given to us.
- Bill Johnson
Why is what anyone thinks so important to you that you'd not be willing to risk all to trust God? The fear of man is very strongly associated with unbelief.
- Bill Johnson
Questions are allowed in the Kingdom, but lack of answers must not interrupt our heart-communion with God. If we demand answers from God, then we are walking in the spirit of offense.
- Bill Johnson
When Jesus wanted to be baptized in water by John, John knew he wasn't qualified (see Matt. 3:14). But when you're willing to do what you're unqualified to do, that's what qualifies you.
- Bill Johnson
It's important to realize that even today satan is empowered through man's agreement.
- Bill Johnson