Quotes from Bill Johnson
The Kingdom of God is not in logos but in dunamis.
- Bill Johnson
God is the solver of impossible problems. He often does this through the co-laboring effect of His people.
- Bill Johnson
When He said "on earth as it is in heaven," He actually meant what He said. He was not trying to keep us busy with spiritual activities until the day He comes back to rescue us from the prevailing darkness. He longs for places on the earth that remind Him of heaven, places in which He feels at home. Prayer and radical obedience make such places possible.
- Bill Johnson
theology, and as such, He provides the only example worth following. I will not lower the standard of Scripture to fit my experience. Instead, I work to raise my level of experience to the standard of Scripture. I refuse to create another standard to give any explanation for my lack.
- Bill Johnson
God does not want the prideful to be the powerful ones in His Kingdom. Therefore, He hides His word so that only the hungry and the humble have access to His voice.
- Bill Johnson
We must sacrifice our need to be right, to understand or explain things. We have to trust Him enough to let Him shatter our boxes of understanding and lead us into deeper realms of His truth.
- Bill Johnson
God has already pursued us with a love so totally overwhelming that it will take all of eternity to plumb its depths.
- Bill Johnson
Faith is focused entirely on God and exists because of Him. Faith is active, and is completely dissatisfied with theories and ideals that cannot be proven, that do not bear fruit. It derives its life from the voice and nature of God. It is unto God, to bring Him pleasure and glory. Such a life is anything but a comfortable life of caution. It is bold, brave, courageous and risky.
- Bill Johnson
God. Psalm 25:14 says, The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.
- Bill Johnson
Many hide their need to be in control behind the banner of "staying anchored to the Word of God." By rejecting those who differ from them, they successfully protect themselves from discomfort, and from the change for which they've been praying.
- Bill Johnson
Only what is true on the inside can be released to the outside. Jesus conquered a storm with peace. It was the storm He slept in. The peace that kept Him in rest was the peace that delivered Him from the storm itself. Internal realities become our external realities. That is the nature of ministry: living from the inside out. Without
- Bill Johnson
When God creates peace, it is based on the presence of a Person called the Prince of Peace. That peace also has a military effect: "And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet" (RomansĀ 16:20). Outside the Kingdom of God, peace is the absence of something, whereas in the Kingdom of God, it is the presence of Someone.
- Bill Johnson