Quotes from Bill Johnson
We must learn to rule with the heart of a servant and serve with the heart of a king. It may take us a lifetime to learn this well, but it is a worthwhile journey. #bornforsignificance
- Bill Johnson
We have delegated authority to establish His Kingdom wherever the sole of our foot treads. But the fact is, while God calls
- Bill Johnson
The standard for the Christian life should not be set by those who have lost their ability to dream for the impossible. Pursuing the impossible is our nature in Christ. Now and Not Yet The Kingdom of God is both now and not yet.
- Bill Johnson
Eternity puts loss in its place. Losses are temporary. Every setback and defeat is put in its place because of eternity. And then add to that the realization that the work of the Redeemer takes every bad situation and works it for our good. So not only is every loss temporary, it is actually reversed in its effect to become a blessing and even grounds for personal promotion and gain. And all of that pertains to loss. This is why every believer is able to live with constant hope.
- Bill Johnson
Hope always speaks the loudest.
- Bill Johnson
One of the ultimate expressions of arrogance is to think that we know ahead of time what is about to happen, and to let that cause us to become ineffective in our assigned purpose and call.
- Bill Johnson
We have delegated authority to establish His Kingdom wherever the sole of our foot treads. But the fact is, while God calls us "kings," the degree to which we walk in that position is a matter of potential.
- Bill Johnson
Jesus did not say, "My sheep will know My book." It is His voice that we are to know. Why the distinction? Because anyone can know the Bible as a bookâthe devil himself knows and quotes the Scriptures. But only those whose lives are dependent on the person of the Holy Spirit will consistently recognize His voice.
- Bill Johnson
My words to my wife are to refresh, encourage and help bring her into her destiny.
- Bill Johnson
To have a lasting impact on humanity, we must be more than people who see problems. We must be people with solutions. God is a creator; He's a builder. We get to share in His nature by co-laboring with His heart to answer every question and need carried by people around us.
- Bill Johnson
As someone once said, vision gives pain a purpose. Without hope, we don't have the endurance needed to see His dreams realized.
- Bill Johnson
Jesus heals the whole person.
- Bill Johnson