Quotes from Bill Johnson
Oftentimes religious circles are known for extreme control of the people, situations and environment around them. Control then becomes the issue of the hour. Studying the Scriptures without letting the Holy Spirit teach us puts us in control. He always takes us to Jesus. Going to the One the Scriptures point to puts Him in control. In other words, when the Bible is an end unto itself, it gives us a measure of learning, but no personal transformation.
- Bill Johnson
Moses experienced this amazing relationship of friendship with God under an inferior covenant. And it is improper to expect superior blessings from an inferior covenant.
- Bill Johnson
WHETHER OR NOT we believe that Heaven is open does not negate the truth that it is. Our thoughts do not alter the open heaven over our lives; instead, they determine whether or not we partake of this reality. Jesus Christ secured an open heaven for every single Spirit-indwelt believer. This is a fact. The question is: Do our minds agree with this fact or do they entertain a lie?
- Bill Johnson
The measure we are aware of our need for Him is usually the measure we become aware of Him. It really is all about the Presence. It's about hosting Him.
- Bill Johnson
That gate— that place of praise in the midst of conflict— is where His presence rests, where the King Himself dwells. The gate is formed when we move above human explanation and into a place of trust.
- Bill Johnson
Trading anything for more of God really is the greatest deal ever offered to mankind.
- Bill Johnson
My life reflects what I see with my heart.
- Bill Johnson
The truth is that all of Christ's commands are impossible to fulfill apart from His grace and supernatural power through the Holy Spirit. Our heart to obey whatever He says puts us in the place of living from the promise, "All things are possible to him who believes."(See Mark 9:23.) Our faith gives us access to all the resources of Heaven. This is why Christ commissioned us to do the impossible!
- Bill Johnson
God is looking for a generation that He can use as builders to bring about His intended purposes for cities and nations. This kind of transformation of society doesn't happen by us being on the outside. It happens from within.
- Bill Johnson
Healing, salvation, wholeness, provision, and joy have already been given to us. They can't be recalled or returned. They are facts of Kingdom living. They were paid for by Jesus on the Cross.
- Bill Johnson
We, as sons and daughters of God, are destined to reveal our Father to the world by bearing His likeness. We do this as Christ did, by communing with the Father, walking in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth through demonstrations of power and authority, all in the context of showing the love of God.
- Bill Johnson
The anointing to heal and bring deliverance will be of no value in Heaven. These graces must be used here and now as part of the package of tools used to bring the nations to Jesus. After all, He is called "the desire of the nations."Everyone desires Jesus. They just don't know it. We must become like Him more fully so that the harvest becomes all that God desires and has provided for.
- Bill Johnson