Quotes from Bill Johnson
Salvation was not the ultimate goal of Christ's coming. It was the immediate target…the marker in the lane. Without accomplishing redemption, there was no hope for the ultimate goal—which was to fill each born-again person with the Holy Spirit. God's desire is for the believer to overflow with Himself, that we might "be filled with all the fullness of God." (Eph. 3:19).
- Bill Johnson
It was a costly key for Him to purchase, and it's a costly key for us to use. But, it's even more costly to bury it and not obtain an increase for the coming King. That price will be felt throughout eternity.
- Bill Johnson
My prayer went something like this: Father, this was Your idea. You commanded us to pray for things to be here as they are in heaven, and I know there is no numbness there, so there shouldn't be any here. So I command, in the name of Jesus, the nerve endings to come to life. I command full restoration of feeling in this body.
- Bill Johnson
We steward the presence of God by learning to obey the commands "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit" (Ephesians 4:30) and "Do not quench the Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19). We grieve Him when we do something wrong; we quench Him when we fail to do what is right, stopping the flow of His love and power that comes from the Father.
- Bill Johnson
Giving place to the Presence of God as our greatest joy and treasure is not a trick we use to get miracles. But the Father cannot be adequately represented without miracles. They are essential in revealing His nature.
- Bill Johnson
The whole point of this book is that condemnation is not in His heart. As stated earlier, "God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked" (Ezek. 18:23).
- Bill Johnson
Real learning comes through doing.
- Bill Johnson
We may rise up now and then and score a victory with the gift of faith, but we won't have the continual influence of Kingdom transformation flowing through us.
- Bill Johnson
Is it possible the reason there are so few miracles in North America is because too many before us thought they had to become better Christians before God could use them? Yes! That single lie has kept us in perpetual immaturity because it protects us from the power encounter that transforms us. The result is we have converts trained and over trained until they have no life, vision, or ingenuity left.
- Bill Johnson
Had the devil known that killing Jesus the Christ (the Anointed One) would make it possible for millions of "anointed ones" to fill the earth as the fruit of Jesus' death, he never would have crucified Him.
- Bill Johnson
When we do the will of God, we bring Kingdom reality crashing into the works of the devil. We initiate conflict between earthly reality and heavenly reality, becoming the bridge that asserts, through prayer and radical obedience, the rulership of God.
- Bill Johnson
Meditating on what God has said until I can see it and run with it.
- Bill Johnson