Quotes from Bill Johnson
In learning how God speaks to us I've also learned that besides unusual coincidences
- Bill Johnson
Pharaoh's final effort to bring Moses and Israel into compromise is found in his statement, "Go, serve the LORD; only let your flocks and your herds be kept back" (Exodus 10:24, NKJV). This statement reveals the ultimate test and potentially the ultimate place of blessing from God. It is to worship God with all of our financial resources.
- Bill Johnson
Philippians understood very well Paul's charge about being citizens of another world. Paul spoke, not about going to heaven some day, but about living as citizens of heaven today…specifically from heaven toward earth.3 We have the privilege of representing heaven in this world, so that we might bring a manifestation of heaven to this world.
- Bill Johnson
The idea of Kingdom power and spiritual conflict unsettles some people, but without power, the gospel is not good news. Jesus never made the gospel simply a doctrinal exercise.
- Bill Johnson
Culture gives opportunity. It does not take away the free will of the individual. That would be a violation of God's design.
- Bill Johnson
Character is the container for blessing.
- Bill Johnson
We must get our minds set on spiritual things because as long as we fill our minds with what's happening in the natural, we restrict our effectiveness.
- Bill Johnson
If you lack joy, there is one way you can engage in the process of gaining ever-increasing joy: learn to rejoice. A choice to rejoice cannot depend on circumstances, because it operates from the heart of faith. It lives regardless of what has happened, embracing the realities of His world that can only be accessed by trust in God and His Word. Rejoicing releases joy.
- Bill Johnson
Moses] is the ultimate example of using favor to increase favor. He had earned a place of trust that gave him access to the secret places with God, to see and experience what others could not have access to. He spoke openly to Moses, not in dark or mysterious sayings that needed an interpretation. Not only that, He also let Moses see His form, which was unheard of.
- Bill Johnson
To give witness is to "represent." This actually means to re-present Him. Therefore, to re-present Him without power is a major shortcoming. It is impossible to give an adequate witness of God without demonstrating His supernatural power.
- Bill Johnson
When we know who He made us to be, we'll never want to be anyone else. He has wrapped up His significance in the destiny of every person He called to Himself for salvation.
- Bill Johnson
That spirit has worked to reduce the gospel to a mere intellectual message, rather than a supernatural God encounter. It tolerates the mention of power if it's in the past. Occasionally, it considers that power is appropriate for people in faraway places. But, never does this spirit expect the anointing of God's power to be available in the here and now.
- Bill Johnson