Quotes from Bill Johnson
The notion that "our thoughts are not His thoughts" is an Old Testament statement about a rebellious Israel whom the prophet was beseeching to repent (see Isa. 55:8). To the obedient Christian, that statement should be changed to "Our thoughts are His thoughts.
- Bill Johnson
The doctrine stating signs and wonders are no longer needed because we have the Bible was created by people who hadn't seen God's power and needed an explanation to justify their own powerless churches. Revelation
- Bill Johnson
If we are not careful, the steady stream of bad news will cloud our awareness of what God is saying and doing. Deception sets in that positions us to live and act defensively instead of continuing to respond to God's leading.
- Bill Johnson
When we came to Christ, it was humility to honestly assess ourselves as sinners. To go back and say that's still who we are is to deny what Christ did for us. Doing that is no longer humbling ourselves, it's undercutting the resurrection power God has given us to live like Him.
- Bill Johnson
He has made us stewards of the presence of God. It is not as though we can manipulate and use His presence for our own religious purposes. We are moved upon by the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming co-laborers with Christ.
- Bill Johnson
One of the toughest lessons a Christian can learn is how to trust and praise God in the uncertain time between a promise and its fulfillment.
- Bill Johnson
Something is always expected from us when God is revealed to be with us. It is a grave mistake to think the Holy Spirit is among us simply to comfort or encourage. That is a given. He is also present to make possible the impossible task in front of us! Perhaps this is part of what the apostle Paul
- Bill Johnson
God never allows a storm without first providing the tools to calm the storm.
- Bill Johnson
Once, while teaching a group of students about the importance of signs and wonders in the ministry of the gospel, a young man spoke up, saying, "I'll pursue signs and wonders when I know I have more of the character of Christ in me." As good as that may sound, it comes from a religious mind-set, not a heart that is abandoned to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Bill Johnson
I read the last chapter and we win.
- Bill Johnson
Whatever I obtain through self-promotion I'll have to sustain through self-promotion. #bornforsignificance
- Bill Johnson
No one who discovers who God has made him or her to be would want to be anyone else.
- Bill Johnson