Quotes from Ayn Rand
I shall remind you thatrights are a moral principle defining and sanctioning a man's freedom of action in a social context, that are derived from man's nature as a rational being and represent a necessary condition of his particular mode of survival. I shall remind you also that the right to life is the source of all rights, including the right to property.
- Ayn Rand
I was thinking of people who say that happiness is impossible on earth. Look how hard they all try to find some joy in life. Look how they struggle for it. Why should any living creature exist in pain? By what conceivable right can anyone demand that a human being exist for anything but for his own joy? Every one of them wants it. Every part of him wants it. But they never find it. I wonder why.
- Ayn Rand
Let's be gods. Let's be ugly.
- Ayn Rand
They lay in bed together that night, and they did not know when they slept, the intervals of exhausted unconsciousness as intense an act of union as the convulsed meetings of their bodies.
- Ayn Rand
He saw the article...which was not an expression of ideas, but a bucket of slime emptied in public—an article that did not contain a single fact, not even an invented one, but poured a stream of sneers and adjectives in which nothing was clear except the filthy malice of denouncing without considering proof necessary.
- Ayn Rand
We knew not where we were going. We only knew that we must run, run to the end of the world, run to the end of our days.
- Ayn Rand
If you believe that you have the right to force me—use your guns openly. I will not help you to disguise the nature of your action.
- Ayn Rand
Dare not choose in your minds the work you would like to do when you leave the Home of the Students. You shall do what the Council of Vocations shall prescribe for you.
- Ayn Rand
I want to sleep with you. Now, tonight, and at any time you may care to call me. I want your naked body, your skin. your mouth, your hands...I want you like an animal...or a whore.
- Ayn Rand
There's no surer way to destroy a man than to force him into a spot where he has to aim at not doing his best, where he has to struggle to do a bad job, day after day.
- Ayn Rand
Paray? lanetleyen insan, onu ?erefsizce elde etmi?tir; ona sayg? duyan insan, hak ederek kazanm??t?r.
- Ayn Rand
And, after all, you've got to live." "Not that way," said Roark.
- Ayn Rand