Quotes from Aristotle
The young are heated by Nature as drunken men by wine.
- Aristotle
The science that studies the supreme good for man is politics.
- Aristotle
Wicked me obey from fear; good men,from love.
- Aristotle
What is the highest of all goods achievable by action? ...both the general run of man and people of superior refinement say that it is happiness ...but with regard to what happiness is they differ.
- Aristotle
The ideal man is his own best friend and takes delight in privacy.
- Aristotle
The wise man knows of all things, as far as possible, although he has no knowledge of each of them in detail
- Aristotle
A man is the origin of his action.
- Aristotle
Some men turn every quality or art into a means of making money; this they conceive to be the end, and to the promotion of the end all things must contribute.
- Aristotle
Being a father is the most rewarding thing a man whose career has plateaued can do.
- Aristotle
Education and morals will be found almost the whole that goes to make a good man.
- Aristotle
A man becomes a friend whenever being loved he loves in return.
- Aristotle
Excellence or virtue in a man will be the disposition which renders him a good man and also which will cause him to perform his function well.
- Aristotle