Quotes from Aristotle
If purpose, then, is inherent in art, so is it in Nature also. The best illustration is the case of a man being his own physician, for Nature is like that - agent and patient at once.
- Aristotle
Indeed, we may go further and assert that anyone who does not delight in fine actions is not even a good man.
- Aristotle
All men desire by nature to know.
- Aristotle
The things best to know are first principles and causes, but these things are perhaps the most difficult for men to grasp, for they are farthest removed from the senses.
- Aristotle
The precepts of the law may be comprehended under these three points: to live honestly, to hurt no man willfully, and to render every man his due carefully.
- Aristotle
A good man may make the best even of poverty and disease, and the other ills of life; but he can only attain happiness under the opposite conditions
- Aristotle
Quite often good things have hurtful consequences. There are instances of men who have been ruined by their money or killed by their courage.
- Aristotle
Courage is the mother of all virtues because without it, you cannot consistently perform the others.
- Aristotle
Music directly represents the passions of the soul. If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person.
- Aristotle
Music imitates (represents) the passions or states of the soul, such as gentleness, anger, courage, temperance, and their opposites.
- Aristotle
Nature of man is not what he was born as, but what he is born for.
- Aristotle
God and nature create nothing that does not fulfill a purpose
- Aristotle