Quotes from Albert Camus
Those who weep for the happy periods which they encounter in history acknowledge what they want; not the alleviation but the silencing of misery.
- Albert Camus
Where there is no hope, it is incumbent on us to invent it.
- Albert Camus
We refuse to despair of mankind. Without having the unreasonable ambition to save men, we still want to serve them.
- Albert Camus
If something is going to happen to me, I want to be there.
- Albert Camus
Absolute freedom mocks at justice. Absolute justice denies freedom.
- Albert Camus
Yes, one can wager war in this world, ape love, torture one's fellow man, or merely say evil of one's neighbor while knitting. But, in certain cases, carrying on, merely continuing, is superhuman.
- Albert Camus
One recognizes one's course by discovering the paths that stray from it.
- Albert Camus
With rebellion, awareness is born.
- Albert Camus
An achievement is bondage.It obliges one to a higher achievement.
- Albert Camus
Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.
- Albert Camus
It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
- Albert Camus
Having money is a way of being free of money.
- Albert Camus