Quotes from William Barclay
When we love anyone with our whole hearts, life begins when we are with that person; it is only in their company that we are really and truly alive.
- William Barclay
The awful importance of this life is that it determines eternity.
- William Barclay
The only victory love can enjoy is the day when its offer of love is answered by the return of love. The only possible final triumph is a universe loved by God and in love with God.
- William Barclay
It is the simple truth to say that the New Testament books became canonical because no one could stop them doing so.
- William Barclay
Strict orthodoxy can cost too much if it has to be bought at the price of love. All the orthodoxy in the world will never take the place of love.
- William Barclay
True prayer is asking God what He wants.
- William Barclay
Joy has nothing to do with material things, or with a man's outward circumstance ... a man living in the lap of luxury can be wretched, and a man in the depths of poverty can overflow with joy.
- William Barclay
In the time we have it is surely our duty to do all the good we can to all the people we can in all the ways we can.
- William Barclay
Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.
- William Barclay
When we believe that God is Father, we also believe that such a father's hand will never cause his child a needless tear. We may not understand life any better, but we will not resent life any longer.
- William Barclay
For the Christian, heaven is where Jesus is. We do not need to speculate on what heaven will be like. It is enough to know that we will be for ever with Him.
- William Barclay
True worship is when the spirit, the immortal and invisible part of man, speaks to and meets with God, who is immortal and invisible.
- William Barclay