Quotes from William Barclay
He will be the cause whereby many will rise. Long ago Seneca said that what people needed above all was a hand let down to lift them up. It is the hand of Jesus which lifts us out of the old life and into the new, out of the sin into the goodness, out of the shame into the glory.
- William Barclay
Not even God can teach a man who comes to the Bible with his mind made up.
- William Barclay
Here is the death of human pride. Beside the glory of Christ, all human titles are of no importance and all human claims become ridiculous.
- William Barclay
If all the other noble qualities of life were placed in the balance against it, loyalty would outweigh them all.
- William Barclay
Whenever religion becomes a depressing affair of burdens and prohibitions, it ceases to be true religion.
- William Barclay
Jesus is to God as we must be to Jesus.
- William Barclay
Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but God, and who hate nothing but sin, and who know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified, and I will shake the world.
- William Barclay
God himself took this human flesh upon him.
- William Barclay
Jesus' coming is the final and unanswerable proof that God cares.
- William Barclay
The danger of prosperity is that it encourages a false independence.
- William Barclay
Prayer is not flight, prayer is power. Prayer does not deliver a man from some terrible situation; prayer enables a man to face and to master the situation.
- William Barclay
Prayer is not a way of making use of God; prayer is a way of offering ourselves to God in order that He should be able to make use of us.
- William Barclay