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Quotes from William Barclay

Even if we are separated from people, and even if there is no other gift which we can give to them, we can surround them with the strength and the defence of our prayers.
- William Barclay
The glory of God is not that of a despotic tyrant, but the splendour of love before which we fall not in abject terror but lost in wonder, love and praise.
- William Barclay
The people who get the best out of others are those who insist on seeing them at their best.
- William Barclay
Jesus promised His disciples three things—that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy and in constant trouble.
- William Barclay
Grant that the voice of our own desires may not be speaking so insistently that we become deaf to your word.
- William Barclay
Christianity does not look on this world as one which God very occasionally invades; it looks on it as a world from which he is never absent.
- William Barclay
There is little use in preaching the love of God in words without showing the love of God in action.
- William Barclay
An honest assessment of our own capabilities, without conceit and without false modesty, is one of the first essentials of a useful life.
- William Barclay
To see what God is like, we must look at Jesus. He perfectly represents God to men in a form which they can see and know and understand.
- William Barclay
His voice might be stern, but in the sternness there was still the accent of yearning love; his eyes might flash fire, but the flame was the flame of love.
- William Barclay
It is one of the strange facts of church life that, in official church gatherings such as sessions and presbyteries and even General Assemblies, a great many hours might be given to the discussion of mundane problems of administration for every one hour given to the discussion of the eternal truths of God.
- William Barclay
what Jesus is saying is: 'I am setting you a hard task, and I am sending you out on a very difficult engagement. But I am going to send you someone, the parakl?tos, who will guide you as to what to do and enable you to do it.
- William Barclay