Quotes from Will Rogers
He [Calvin Coolidge] is the first president to discover that what the American people want is to be left alone.
- Will Rogers
Technocracy wants to do everything by machinery. Machinery is doing just fine. If it can't kill you, it will put you out of work.
- Will Rogers
People's minds are changed through observation and not through argument.
- Will Rogers
More words ain't good for anything in the world only to bring on more argument.
- Will Rogers
A successful outcome shows what hard work, perseverance and taking advantage of your opportunities will do for you.
- Will Rogers
Real estate is the best investment in the world because it is the only thing they're not making any more.
- Will Rogers
I was born on Nov. 4, which is election day ... my birthday has made more men and sent more back to honest work than any other days in the year.
- Will Rogers
You could transfer Congress over to run Standard Oil or General Motors, and they would have both things bankrupt in two years.
- Will Rogers
Americans are getting like a Ford car, they all have the same exact parts, the same upholstering and make exactly the same noises.
- Will Rogers
Never miss a chance to shut up.
- Will Rogers
If you live right, death is a joke to you as far as fear is concerned.
- Will Rogers
America is becoming so educated that ignorance will be a novelty. I will belong to a select few.
- Will Rogers