Quotes from Rick Joyner
Neither does He call man to observe Sabbaths simply for a cessation of labor, but rather for the purpose of drawing near to Him from whom our true sustenance comes.
- Rick Joyner
Knowing the voice of the Lord, obeying Him, and dwelling in His presence," William recounted.
- Rick Joyner
Deze hele strijd ging om mensen en toch werden mensen vaak als het minst belangrijk beschouwd. Wij strijden vaak meer voor waarheden, dan voor mensen voor wie de waarheden gegeven zijn. Wij strijden voor bedieningen over de hoofden van de mensen heen, voor wie deze bedieningen zijn
- Rick Joyner
We receive life by coming to Him. The life that is on a solid foundation is not just one that understands doctrine accurately, but is one that is joined to the Word Himself. It is not just knowing the Book of the Lord, but knowing the Lord of the Book. However, because He is Truth, we must love the truth and be passionately devoted to accuracy of doctrine as well.
- Rick Joyner
Many are called to do great things, but they do not fulfill those callings because they do not give themselves to the little things.
- Rick Joyner
You do not defeat an enemy by just getting past him. You defeat fear by growing in faith. You defeat despair by growing in hope. You defeat death by growing in life. True life is only lived by those who no longer live for themselves, but for The King, and do all things for His sake and for those He gave His life for.
- Rick Joyner
You must do all that you do here with joy. The joy of The Lord is your strength, and you can only make it through this valley by His strength.
- Rick Joyner
The life that is on a solid foundation is not just one that understands doctrine accurately, but is one that is joined to the Word Himself. It is not just knowing the Book of the Lord, but knowing the Lord of the Book.
- Rick Joyner
If we are alive for these times then we were made for them.
- Rick Joyner
We must realize that the ministries and gifts of the Spirit are for everyday life, not just meetings.
- Rick Joyner
Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall. In this life you can fall from any level.
- Rick Joyner
True Christianity is a life of sacrifice. It requires that in everything we live for the Lord and others, not ourselves.
- Rick Joyner