Quotes from Rick Joyner
True peace is the condition of the heart that trusts God regardless of the circumstances.
- Rick Joyner
the greatest weapon you have been given is the Father's love. As long as you walk in My Father's love, you will never fail.
- Rick Joyner
Courage is a demonstration of faith.
- Rick Joyner
It is a religious spirit that is dedicated to what God has done in order to resist or reject what He is doing. What He is presently doing He is doing through His body.
- Rick Joyner
Scriptures reveal that two acts occur continually before the throne of God—intercession and accusation. The conflict between these two is a focal point of the battle between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.
- Rick Joyner
To the degree that we abide in Him, Jesus will use us to intercede. For this reason, His Church is called to be a "house of prayer for all the nations" (Mark 11:17). Satan is called "the accuser of our brethren…who accuses them before our God day and night" (Rev. 12:10). To the degree that the enemy has access to our lives, he will use us to accuse and criticize the brethren.
- Rick Joyner
Likewise, controversy helps to bring purity by removing the cowards. The Lord listed cowards along with unbelievers, the abominable, murderers, the immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and liars who will have their part in the lake of fire (see Revelation 21:8). Cowardice has no place in the kingdom of God, for true faith is characterized by courage.
- Rick Joyner
He who stands in need of nothing cannot be bound by anything.
- Rick Joyner
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good behavior his works in the humility of wisdom.
- Rick Joyner
All children are rebellious. They are all self-centered and think the world revolves around them. That is why they need parents to raise them. Almost every child will, at times, bring reproach on his family, but he is still a part of the family.
- Rick Joyner
There is possibly nothing that can so radically change the Church and the lives of individual believers as having our criticisms changed into intercession
- Rick Joyner
Criticism is one of the ultimate manifestations of pride because when we criticize someone else, we assume we are superior to them.
- Rick Joyner