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Quotes from Richard Baxter

The ministerial work must be managed purely for God and the salvation of the people, and not for any private ends of our own.
- Richard Baxter
Are you not in a race; and is not the prize the crown of glory; and should you then sit still or take your ease? (281)
- Richard Baxter
If only preaching be necessary, let us have none but preachers. What needs there, then, such a stir about government? But if discipline (in its place) be necessary too, what is it but enmity to men's salvation to exclude it?
- Richard Baxter
What if you had once seen hell open, and all the damned there in their easeless torments, and had heard them crying out of their slothfulness in the day of their visitation, and wishing that they had but another life to live, and that God would but try them once again; one crying out of this neglect of duty, and another of his loitering and trifling, when he should have been labouring for his life; what manner of person would you have been after such a sight as this ? (284)
- Richard Baxter
People would more readily believe that the gospel is from heaven if they saw more such effects of it upon the hearts and lives of those who profess it. The world is perhaps better able to read the nature of religion in a man's life than in the Bible.
- Richard Baxter
O brethren! It is easier to chide at sin, than to overcome it.
- Richard Baxter
As one can hardly find any thing in a house where nothing keeps its place, but all is cast on a heap together; so it is in the heart where all things are in disorder, especially when darkness is added to this disorder: so that the hear t is like an obscure cave or dungeon, where there is but a little crevice of light, and a man must rather grope than see No wonder if men mistake in searching such a heat, sand so miscarry in judging of their estate (304).
- Richard Baxter
Truth loves the light and is most beautiful when it is most naked. If you would not teach men, why are you in the pulpit? If you would teach men, why do you not speak so as to be understood?
- Richard Baxter
The devil hath his gunpowder plots, and mines, which may blow you up before you are aware. Not
- Richard Baxter
T]here is no greater strengthener of sin, and destroyer of the soul, than Scripture misapplied (317).
- Richard Baxter
Nothing can be rightly known, if God be not known; nor is any study well managed, nor to any great purpose, if God is not studied.
- Richard Baxter
He that believeth that he believe, believeth himself and not God (333)[.]
- Richard Baxter