Quotes from Richard Baxter
The strongest Christian is unsafe among occasions to sin (519).
- Richard Baxter
If thy meditation tends to fill thy note-book with notions, and good sayings, concerning God, and not thy heart with longing after him, and delight in him, for aught I know thy book is as much a Christian as thou (553).
- Richard Baxter
If every work of the day had thus its appointed time, we should be better skilled, both in redeeming time and performing duty (556).
- Richard Baxter
If and worms'-meat must have such respect, think, then, what reverence thou shouldst approach thy Maker (569).
- Richard Baxter
Consideration doth, as it were, open the door between the head and the heart: the understanding having received truths, lays them up in the memory now, consideration is the conveyer of theme from thence to the affections (571).
- Richard Baxter
Meditation puts reason in its authority and preeminence. It helpeth to deliver it form its captivity to the sense, and setteth it again upon the throne of the soul. When reason is silent, it is usually subject; for when it is asleep the senses domineer. . . . Reason is at the strongest when it is most in action. Now, meditation produceth reason into act (573).
- Richard Baxter
If your hope dieth, your duties die, your endeavors die, your joys die, and your souls die. And if your hope be not acted, but lie asleep, it is next to dead, both in likenss and preparation( 585).
- Richard Baxter
As Socrates said when his wife first railed at him, and next threw a vessel of foul water upon him, "I thought when I heard the thunder, there would come rain
- Richard Baxter
Do I not well deserve to be turned into hell, if the scorns and threats of blinded men, if the fear of silly, rotten earth, can drive me thither (588)?
- Richard Baxter
Take heed to yourselves, lest your example contradict your doctrine, and lest you lay such stumbling—blocks before the blind, as may be the occasion of their ruin; lest you unsay with your lives, what you say with your tongues; and be the greatest hindrances of the success of your own labors. It
- Richard Baxter
Esteem the church fathers and other writers, but value none of them as equivalent to the word of God.
- Richard Baxter
The universal church of Christ must consist of individual churches guided by their own overseers, and every Christian must be a member of one of these churches (except those who are away on business or travel or are in other similar cases of necessity). Though a minister is an officer in the universal church, yet in a special manner he is the overseer of that particular church committed to his charge.
- Richard Baxter