Quotes from Richard Baxter
O]ur English divines are sounder in it than any in the world, generally: I think because they are more practical, and have had more wounded, tender consciences under cure, and less empty speculation and dispute (336-7).
- Richard Baxter
He may be a Christian by common profession; but, in a saving sense, no man is a Christian, in whose soul any thing hath a greater and higher interest than God the Father, and the Mediator (352).
- Richard Baxter
Yet I must tell you, that all these graces which are expressed by passions of sorrow, fear, joy, hope, love, are not so certainly to be tried by the passion that is in them, as by the will that is either contained in them, or supposed in them; not as acts of the sensitive, but of the rational appetite (358).
- Richard Baxter
T]his is the strongest encouragement to them in sinning; and we have need to lay all our batteries against this bulwark of presumption (361).
- Richard Baxter
Many ministers study only to compose their sermons and very little more, when there are so many books to be read and so many matters that we should be acquainted with. In the preparation of our sermons, we are too negligent, gathering only a few bare headings and not considering the most forcible expressions by which we should set them home to men's hearts.
- Richard Baxter
Brethren, experience will teach you that men are not made learned or wise without hard study, unwearied labors, and experience.
- Richard Baxter
Every man therefore is bound to do all the good he can to others, especially for the church and commonwealth.
- Richard Baxter
Beware lest, while you proclaim to the world the necessity of a Savior, your own hearts should neglect him, and you should miss an interest in him and his saving benefits. Take heed to yourselves, lest you perish, while you call upon others to take heed of perishing; and lest you famish yourselves while you prepare food for them. Though there
- Richard Baxter
When the world is worth nothing, then heaven is worth something. I leave every Christian to judge by his own experience, whether we do not overlove the world more in prosperity than in adversity (374) [.]
- Richard Baxter
Even innocent Adam is liker to forget God in a paradise, than Joseph in a prison, or Job upon a dunghill(376)[.]
- Richard Baxter
Till thou hast learned to suffer from a saint a well as from the wicked, and to be abused by the godly as well as the ungodly, never look to live a contented or comfortable life, nor ever think thou has truly learned the art of suffering (383).
- Richard Baxter
That physician is no better than a murderer, that negligently delayeth till his patient be dead or past cure (389).
- Richard Baxter