Quotes from Norman Vincent Peale
Always remember that to every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage.
- Norman Vincent Peale
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24).
- Norman Vincent Peale
I had heard that verse many times but in a flash of insight realized that one of the keys I had missed was that hadn't trained my mind to believe, to think positively, to have faith in either God or myself.
- Norman Vincent Peale
If ye have faith … nothing shall be impossible unto you." (Matthew 17:20) He removed that one, shuffled expertly through the cards with one hand as he drove, selected another, and placed it under the clip. This one read, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)
- Norman Vincent Peale
They are not easily irritated or annoyed. Some people seem to be able to rise above their irritations and they are fun to be with because they are poised and even-tempered. They seem to live on an upper level emotionally and are not easily riled up. They keep in a good humor and spirit.
- Norman Vincent Peale
It's always too soon to quit!
- Norman Vincent Peale
He remembered that "what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
- Norman Vincent Peale
The greatest secret for eliminating the inferiority complex, which is another term for deep and profound self doubt, is to fill your mind to overflowing with faith. Develop a tremendous faith in God and that will give you a humble yet soundly realistic faith in yourself.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Positive thinking looks upon weak places in people as challenging opportunities. You can turn them into your strongest points.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Think defeat and you are bound to feel defeated. But practice thinking confident thoughts, make it a dominating habit, and you will develop such a strong sense of capacity that regardless of what difficulties arise, you will be able to overcome them.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Once when Stonewall Jackson planned a daring attack, one of his generals fearfully objected, saying, "I am afraid of this" or "I fear that …" Putting his hand on his timorous subordinate's shoulder, Jackson said, "General, never take counsel of your fears.
- Norman Vincent Peale
the trouble with most prayers is that they aren't big enough.
- Norman Vincent Peale