Quotes from Napoleon Hill
Nothing was ever created by a human being that was not first created in the imagination through desire and then transformed into reality through concentration.
- Napoleon Hill
Every adversity contains, at the same time, a seed of equivalent opportunity!
- Napoleon Hill
What the mind can conceive, it can achieve.
- Napoleon Hill
Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.
- Napoleon Hill
Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.
- Napoleon Hill
You have a tremendous advantage over the man who does you an injury: You have it within your power to forgive him, while he has no such advantage over you.
- Napoleon Hill
Ideas... they have the power.
- Napoleon Hill
Ideas can be transmuted into cash through the power of definite purpose, plus definite plans.
- Napoleon Hill
Faith is the element, the "chemical" which, when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.
- Napoleon Hill
One of the most valuable things any person can learn is the art of using the knowledge and experience of others.
- Napoleon Hill
No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability and knowledge to ensure the accumulation of a great fortune, without the cooperation of other people.
- Napoleon Hill
You don't have to fear defeat if you believe it may reveal powers that you didn't know you possessed.
- Napoleon Hill