Quotes from Napoleon Hill
Faith is the only known antidote for failure!
- Napoleon Hill
A mind dominated by positive emotions, becomes a favorable abode for the state of mind known as faith. A mind so dominated may, at will, give the subconscious mind instructions, which it will accept and act upon immediately.
- Napoleon Hill
that when a man really desires a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win.
- Napoleon Hill
The Creator never singles out an individual for an important service to mankind without first testing him, through struggle, in proportion to the nature of the service he is to render.
- Napoleon Hill
Anyone who submits to annoyance by things he does not want is not definite. He is a drifter.
- Napoleon Hill
If you know your own mind, you know enough to keep it always positive.
- Napoleon Hill
A philosophy a system of principles that will guide your thoughts and actions.
- Napoleon Hill
Leadership calls for POWER, and power calls for COOPERATION.
- Napoleon Hill
Desire backed by faith, pushed reason aside, and inspired me to carry on.
- Napoleon Hill
Greatest public school system in the world. We have invested fabulous sums for fine buildings, we have provided convenient transportation for children living in the rural districts, so they may attend the best schools, but there is one astounding weakness to this marvelous system — it is free! One of the strange things about human beings is that they value only that which has a price.
- Napoleon Hill
The best and most abiding success is that which is made before eight o'clock in the morning.
- Napoleon Hill
SERVICE, Sacrifice and Self-Control are three words which must be well understood by the person who succeeds in doing something that is of help to the world.
- Napoleon Hill