Quotes from Marcus Aurelius
Willingly therefore, and wholly surrender up thyself unto that fatal concatenation, yielding up thyself unto the fates, to be disposed of at their pleasure.
- Marcus Aurelius
Asia and Europe are corners of the universe; all the sea a drop in the universe; Athos a little clod of the universe; all present time is a point in eternity. All things are little, changeable, perishable.
- Marcus Aurelius
It is peculiar to man to love even those who do wrong. And this happens, if when they do wrong it occurs to thee that they are kinsmen, and that they do wrong through ignorance and unintentionally, and that soon both of you will die; and above all, that the wrong-doer has done thee no harm, for he has not made thy ruling faculty worse than it was before.
- Marcus Aurelius
Life is a pilgrimage and a struggle. All we have of time is a moment; the universe is in constant flux; our bodies are fragile; our senses grasp so little; our souls are a mist; the future is a fog; and fame is fleeting.
- Marcus Aurelius
That cucumber is bitter, so toss it out!
- Marcus Aurelius
He was not easily moved and tossed up and down, but loved to be constant
- Marcus Aurelius
External things are not the problem. It's your assessment of them, which you can erase right now
- Marcus Aurelius
The closer a person is to calm, the closer they are to strength.
- Marcus Aurelius
As the senses naturally belong to the body, and the desires and affections to the soul, so do the dogmata to the understanding.
- Marcus Aurelius
What stands in the way is the way.
- Marcus Aurelius
Love only what befalls thee and is spun for thee by fate. For what can be more befitting for thee?
- Marcus Aurelius
Look within. Within is the fountain of Good, ready always to well forth if thou wilt alway delve.
- Marcus Aurelius