Quotes from John Wesley
Riches naturally beget pride, love of the world, and every temper that is destructive of Christianity.
- John Wesley
I reflected much on that vain desire, which had pursued me for so many years, of being in solitude in order to be a Christian. I have now, thought I, solitude enough; but am I therefore the nearer being a Christian? Not if Jesus Christ be the model of Christianity.
- John Wesley
I the chief of sinners am, but Jesus died for me.
- John Wesley
When a man becomes a Christian, he becomes industrious, trustworthy and prosperous. Now, if that man, when he gets all he can and saves all he can, does not give all he can, I have more hope for Judas Iscariot than for that man!
- John Wesley
Certainly this is a duty, not a sin. "Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness."
- John Wesley
When I was young I was sure of everything; in a few years, having been mistaken a thousand times, I was not half so sure of most things as I was before; at present, I am hardly sure of anything but what God has revealed.
- John Wesley
I went to America to convert the Indians, but, oh, who shall convert me? Who, what, is he that will deliver me from this evil heart of unbelief?
- John Wesley
Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.
- John Wesley
Get on fire for God and men will come and see you burn.
- John Wesley
If I had 300 men who feared nothing but God, hated nothing but sin, and were determined to know nothing among men but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, I would set the world on fire.
- John Wesley
Give me one hundred men who love only God with all their heart and hate only sin with all their heart and we will shake the gates of hell and bring in the kingdom of God in one generation.
- John Wesley
Faith is the divine evidence whereby the spiritual man discerneth God, and the things of God.
- John Wesley