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Quotes from John Donne

For this, Love is enraged with me; Yet kills not. If I must example be To future rebels, if the unborn Must learn by my being cut up and torn, Kill and dissect me, Love; for this Torture against thine own end is: Racked carcasses make ill anatomies
- John Donne
Thy sins and hairs may no man equal call, for as thy sins increase, thy hairs do fall.
- John Donne
She is all states, and all princes, I. Nothing else is.
- John Donne
when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated; God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice; but God's hand is in every translation, and his hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again, for that library where every book shall lie open to one another;
- John Donne
Methinks I lied all winter, when I swore My love was infinite, if spring makes it more.
- John Donne
If that be simply perfectest Which can by no way be expresst But negatives, my love is so. To All, which all love, I say no. Negative Love
- John Donne
O! I shall soon despair, when I shall see That Thou lovest mankind well, yet wilt not choose me, And Satan hates me, yet is loth to lose me.
- John Donne
But, O alas! so long, so far, Our bodies why do we forbear?
- John Donne
Twice or thrice had I lov'd thee, Before I knew thy face or name
- John Donne
My world's both parts, and 'o! Both parts must die.
- John Donne
All other things to their destruction draw, Only our love hath no decay...
- John Donne
I think it mercy if Thou wilt forget.
- John Donne