Quotes from Hippocrates
Those things which are sacred, are to be imparted only to sacred persons; and it is not lawful to import them to the profane until they have been initiated in the mysteries of the science.
- Hippocrates
As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm.
- Hippocrates
That which is used - develops. That which is not used wastes away.
- Hippocrates
Persons in whom a crisis takes place pass the night preceding the paroxysm uncomfortably, but the succeeding night generally more comfortably.
- Hippocrates
Where there is love of medicine, there is love of humankind.
- Hippocrates
Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.
- Hippocrates
Things that are holy are revealed only to men who are holy.
- Hippocrates
A sensible man ought to think about that well being is the best of human blessings, and find out how by his personal thought to derive profit from his sicknesses.
- Hippocrates
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
- Hippocrates
A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician ... There is one common flow, one common breathing, all things are in sympathy.
- Hippocrates
Life is brief, art is long.
- Hippocrates
Opposites are cures for opposites.
- Hippocrates