Quotes from Jurgen Moltmann
God allows himself to be humiliated and crucified in the Son, in order to free the oppressors and the oppressed from oppression and to open up to them the situation of free, sympathetic humanity.
- Jurgen Moltmann
Because of Christ's prevenient and unconditional invitation, the fellowship of the table cannot be restricted to people who are 'faithful to the church', or to the 'inner circle' of the community. For it is not the feast of the particularly righteous, of the people who think that they are particularly devout; it is the feast of the weary and heavy-laden, who have heard the call to refreshment.
- Jurgen Moltmann
In the cross of Christ God is taking man dead-seriously so that he may open up for him the happy freedom of Easter. God takes upon himself the pain of negation and the God forsakenness of judgement to reconcile himself with his enemies and to give the godless fellowship with himself. ~ Theology of Play, p.33
- Jurgen Moltmann
The God of freedom, the true God, is... not recognized by his power and glory in the history of the world, but through his helplessness and his death on the scandal of the cross of Jesus
- Jurgen Moltmann
For resurrection faith means courage to revolt against the covenant with death (Isa. 28:15), it means hope for the victory of life which shall swallow up and conquer life-devouring death. ~ p.14
- Jurgen Moltmann
Resistance is the protest of those who hope, and hope is the feast of the people who resist.
- Jurgen Moltmann
In the raising and exaltation of Christ, God has chosen the one whom the moral and political powers of this world rejected — the poor, humiliated, suffering and forsaken Christ. God identified himself with him and made him Lord of the new world ….. The God who creates justice for those who suffer violence, the God who exalts the humiliated and executed Christ — that is the God of hope for the new world of righteousness and justice and peace.
- Jurgen Moltmann
Christian faith isn't just a conviction, a feeling and a decision. It invades life so deeply that we have to talk about dying and being born again, which is what corresponds to the death and resurrection of Christ.
- Jurgen Moltmann
It is only as a unity in diversity that the Christian community will become an inviting community in a society which is otherwise pretty uniform. Creation is motley and diverse, and the new creation even more so.
- Jurgen Moltmann
A dead man cannot forgive sins. The gospel, as the present forgiveness of sins, assumes the new, divine, eschatological life of the crucified Christ, and is itself the `Spirit' and the present `power of the resurrection'. Thus according to Paul's understanding, in the 'word of the cross' the crucified Christ himself speaks.
- Jurgen Moltmann
Personal, inner change without a change in circumstances and structures is an idealist illusion, as though man were only a soul and not a body as well.
- Jurgen Moltmann
The knowledge of the cross brings a conflict of interest between God who has become man and man who wishes to become God.
- Jurgen Moltmann