Quotes from Peter Enns
The Bible—from back to front—is the story of God told from the limited point of view of real people living at a certain place and time.
- Peter Enns
When knowing what you believe is the nonnegotiable center of true faith, questions and critical self-examination pose a threat.
- Peter Enns
It is wholly incomprehensible to think that thousands of years ago God would have felt constrained to speak in a way that would be meaningful only to Westerners several thousand years later. To do so borders on modern, Western arrogance.
- Peter Enns
I feel it is part of the mystery of faith that things normally do not line up entirely, and so when they don't, it is not a signal to me that the journey is at an end but that I am still on it. As I reflect on my own experience and that of many others far wiser than I, God seems willing to help that process along.
- Peter Enns
Who we are and when and where we exist affect how we imagine God.
- Peter Enns
Doing the best as we can to figure out life, to discern how or if a certain proverb applies right here and now, is not an act of disloyalty toward God, rebellion against God's clear rulebook for life. It is, rather, our sacred responsibility as people of faith.
- Peter Enns
Lord, help me let go of control. Help me die. Help me trust.
- Peter Enns
getting the Bible right and getting Jesus right are not the same thing.
- Peter Enns
The Bible isn't a book that reflects one point of view. It is a collection of books that records a conversation—even a debate—over time.
- Peter Enns
We have practically been conditioned to expect God to be our helicopter parent. And if for some reason we don't run to God to solve every little problem, from finding our car keys to deciding on color schemes for the nursery, we are told there is something deeply wrong with us spiritually. Phooey.
- Peter Enns
A relationship based on trust means not walking on eggshells, but talking openly, honestly, with no hint of passive-aggressiveness or any of the other dysfunctional manipulative tactics we tend to impose on family and friends.
- Peter Enns
The Adam story, then, is not simply about the past. It's about Israel's present brought into the past—even as far past as the beginning of the human drama itself.
- Peter Enns