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Quotes from Patricia St. John

stooping very low, He engraves with care His Name, indelible, upon our dust; And from the ashes of our self-despair, Kindles a flame of hope and humble trust. He seeks no second site on which to build, But on the old foundation, stone by stone, Cementing sad experience with grace, Fashions a stronger temple of His own.
- Patricia St. John
Your skill can never buy you love. It may win you admiration and envy, but never love. If that was what you were after, you have wasted your time.
- Patricia St. John
God is love, and when we pray we are drawing near to love, and all our hatred must melt away like the snow melts when the sun shines on it in spring. Leave Lucien to God, Annette. He rewards both good and evil, but remember, He loves Lucien just the same as He loves Dani.
- Patricia St. John
It is hard work to win back love. But don't give up. Those who persevere find more happiness in earning love than they do in gaining it.
- Patricia St. John
mean that if you spend your time putting the love of your heart into what you do for those who are not your friends, you may often be disappointed and discouraged. But if you keep on trying you will find your happiness in loving, whether you are loved back or not.
- Patricia St. John
Children who are not loved themselves often find it difficult to love others.
- Patricia St. John
Perfect love. It means love that goes on doing until there isn't any more to be done, and that goes on suffering until it can't suffer any more. That's why, when Jesus hung on the cross, He said, 'It is finished.' There wasn't one sin left that couldn't be forgiven, not one sinner who couldn't be saved, because He had died. He had loved perfectly.
- Patricia St. John
He is love, and when love comes in, hatred and selfishness and unkindness will give way to it, just as the darkness gives way when you let in the sunshine. But try to chase it alone would be trying to chase the shadows out of a dark room. It would be a waste of time.
- Patricia St. John
The cross is the place where we see love made perfect.
- Patricia St. John
I feel like a little tug in a great storm. But I'm fastened to a great ship on ahead. It's going into port and can't lose its way.
- Patricia St. John