Quotes from Neil Anderson
To assume that a Christian who is spiritually alive and struggling to overcome sin can't be deceived is hopelessly naive!
- Neil Anderson
Do you have secret meetings going on in your church? You are in trouble with God!
- Neil Anderson
We must take into account all reality and strive for a balanced answer to our problems.
- Neil Anderson
do all you can to stop the ungodly chatter.
- Neil Anderson
Submitting to God requires us to deal with the sin in our lives. Sin
- Neil Anderson
We shouldn't want demons to manifest. We should desire that the Lord be manifested and
- Neil Anderson
we ask the following questions before we listen to gossip: What is your reason for telling me this? Where did you get your information? Have you gone directly to the source? Have you personally checked out all the facts? Can I quote you if I check this out?2
- Neil Anderson
Moses never called for a committee when the Egyptians were breathing down his neck.
- Neil Anderson
Just because a pastor does well in one situation does not guarantee he or she will do well in another.
- Neil Anderson
You can't bring an accusation against a pastor simply because you do not like him.
- Neil Anderson
Being submissive does not mean that we don't give honest feedback.
- Neil Anderson
Authority does not increase with volume. We
- Neil Anderson