Quotes from Mike Breen
We want people who have hearts that break for our world and the people in it and do something about it.
- Mike Breen
The leader of an MC needs to be a disciple-maker, not merely an event-organizer.
- Mike Breen
Above all else, know that good leaders always define their own reality. No one else can build a discipling culture for you—it must begin in your own life and then overflow into the lives of those you lead. You will not be the perfect example, but you can be a living example.
- Mike Breen
Every disciple disciples. You can't be a disciple if you aren't willing to invest in and disciple others.
- Mike Breen
Many Christian leaders spend their entire lives within the confines of the church campus and wonder why they see little breakthrough in the area of evangelism.
- Mike Breen
Scripture really seems to be getting at something here, something about orienting our lives around becoming lifelong learners of Jesus. It is liberating to think that, with God's Spirit, over time, we can learn the ways of Jesus, doing the things that he did while becoming the same type of person. It doesn't happen overnight, and the expectation of Scripture isn't that it happens overnight
- Mike Breen
We have become human "doings" rather than human "beings.
- Mike Breen
You could argue we are the most educated people who have ever lived. Why are we wrestling with this question, and why don't we have good answers for it? This is the question. How do we make disciples?
- Mike Breen
The twentieth century saw the emergence of a Churchless Mission and a Missionless Church.
- Mike Breen
Freedom without discipline feels like chaos, and some of the most stifling environments are those where there is freedom without a framework of discipline. Likewise, discipline without freedom feels constricting, and will likely lead to rebellion once a child gets frustrated enough with the lack of freedom. In both cases, the result is fear.
- Mike Breen
And so the world fell under the influence of one who hated God, hated his creation and in particular hated that part of creation that bore God's image. All the maladies and miseries of the world originated here—all the sickness and suffering began here, with a wrongful ruler given power by our wrongdoing. In the darkness of his evil heart, the devil conceived a plan to oppose God's purposes by stealing the position designed for us.
- Mike Breen
Most of us have become quite good at the church thing. And yet, disciples are the only thing that Jesus cares about, and it's the only number that Jesus is counting.
- Mike Breen