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Quotes from Michael Youssef

In Christianity, God has promised to avenge attacks against His people. We trust the One who said, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay" (Romans 12:19 KJV)—but to the Muslim mind, this makes us look like cowards. In Islam, it's the opposite: the people are commanded to punish insults to the honor of Allah and Muhammad.
- Michael Youssef
The Christian message is not an inclusive message that embraces all religions; it's not a message that there are many paths to the same place. The Christian message is summed up in the brave words of Peter before the Sanhedrin: "Jesus is 'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:11—12).
- Michael Youssef
In the Koran, Jesus is called Muhammad's "Lord" (Koran 89:22) and the Truth (Koran 2:91). The Koran also describes Jesus as the "Word" of God (Koran 3:45; 4:171) and a "spirit proceeding from Him" (Koran 4:171).
- Michael Youssef
Even when it seems that we're surrounded by apostates and enemies, even when it seems we're alone and that everyone around us has defected, we must remember God's message to Elijah. Listen for the gentle whisper of the Spirit. Remember that God always reserves a remnant of faithful followers for himself. Therefore, stand strong in your faithfulness to the Lord, so that you will always be counted among God's faithful remnant.
- Michael Youssef
Agape love is the decision to keep loving and seeking the best for someone even when we don't feel like it, even when that person sins against us.
- Michael Youssef
the most dangerous lie is the lie that resembles the truth". Michael Youssef
- Michael Youssef
war alone is not the answer. We must also fight for the hearts and minds of those who would do us harm.
- Michael Youssef
The truth that sets us free is this: Jesus is the one and only way to everlasting life.
- Michael Youssef
Ironically, while modern-day Islam rejects the Gospel accounts as corrupt, the Koran itself commands Muslims to read the Injeel—that is, the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus.
- Michael Youssef
we are emotional, vulnerable and hapless individuals. It is an attack on human potential."12
- Michael Youssef
If people can be saved and accepted by God the Father apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, then why was He crucified?
- Michael Youssef
The Koran presents Allah as being forever hidden from humanity. The Bible presents Jehovah as drawing near and seeking us out.
- Michael Youssef