Quotes from JI Packer
The saving power of the cross does not depend on faith being addded to it; its saving power is such that faith flows from it.
- JI Packer
God answers the prayer we ought to have made rather than the prayer we did make.
- JI Packer
Trying to describe what I do in prayer would be like telling the world how I make love to my wife.
- JI Packer
The more you praise, the more vigor you will have for prayer; and the more you pray, the more matter you will have for praise.
- JI Packer
Confidence that one's impressions are God-given is no guarantee that this is really so, even when they persist and grow stronger through long seasons of prayer. Bible-based wisdom must judge them.
- JI Packer
Jesus' pattern prayer, which is both crutch, road, and walking lesson for the spiritually lame like ourselves, tells us to start with God: for God matters infinitely more than we do.
- JI Packer
We meet God through entering into a relationship both of dependance on Jesus as our Saviour and Friend and of discipleship to Him as our Lord and Master.
- JI Packer
Evangelical churches are weaker than we realize because we don't teach the confessions and doctrine.
- JI Packer
A little knowledge OF God is worth more than a great deal of knowledge ABOUT him.
- JI Packer
The most excellent study of expanding the soul, is the science of Christ, and Him crucified, and the knowledge of the Godhead in the glorious Trinity.
- JI Packer
Repentance is more than just sorrow for the past; repentance is a change of mind and heart, a new life of denying self and serving the Savior as king in self's place.
- JI Packer
God made life, and God alone can tell us its meaning.
- JI Packer