Quotes from AW Tozer
I have found God to be cordial and generous and in every way easy to live with.
- AW Tozer
The meetings least attended in our churches today are the ones whose only attraction is God.
- AW Tozer
The superior Christian lets God strip him of everything that might serve as a false refuge, a secondary trust.
- AW Tozer
With a sacred expectation, I look for God in ALL of the circumstances of my day.
- AW Tozer
Only after all the noise has spent itself do we begin to hear in the silence of our heart, the still, small, mighty voice of God.
- AW Tozer
If we insist upon trying to imagine Him, we end with an idol, made not with hands but with thoughts; and an idol of the mind is as offensive to God as an idol of the hand.
- AW Tozer
Religious externals may have meaning for the God-inhabited soul; for any others they are not only useless but may actually become snares, deceiving them into a false and perilous sense of security.
- AW Tozer
Without doubt, the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God, and the weightest word in any language is its word for God.
- AW Tozer
A local church will only be as great as its conception of God.
- AW Tozer
What else should we do with the Word of God but obey?
- AW Tozer
You cannot study the Bible diligently and earnestly without being struck by an obvious fact-the whole matter of personal holiness is highly important to God!
- AW Tozer
Our gifts and talents should also be turned over to Him. They should be recognized for what they are, God's loan to us, and should never be considered in any sense our own
- AW Tozer