Quotes from AW Tozer
This is what you are here for: to glorify God and enjoy Him thoroughly and forever, telling the universe how great God is.
- AW Tozer
God's justice and God's mercy do not quarrel with each other.
- AW Tozer
As mercy is God's goodness confronting human misery and guilt, so grace is his goodness directed toward human debt and demerit.
- AW Tozer
May God grant us a desire for God that supersedes all other desires.
- AW Tozer
Faith is not a once-done act, but a continuous gaze of the heart at the Triune God.
- AW Tozer
We must never allow the majority to overrule the clear teaching of the Word of God.
- AW Tozer
As long as Christ sits on the throne, every day is a good day and all days are days of salvation.
- AW Tozer
When we have the Holy Spirit we have all that is needed to be all that God desires us to be.
- AW Tozer
O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need for further grace.
- AW Tozer
God's Kingdom isn't divided into areas of important people and areas of little people. In God's sight, everyone's needful.
- AW Tozer
The atonement in Jesus Christ's blood is perfect; there isn't anything that can be added to it. It is spotless, impeccable, flawless. It is perfect as God is perfect.
- AW Tozer
But the sons of this world have not God; they have only each other, and they walk holding to each other and looking to one another for assurance like frightened children.
- AW Tozer