Quotes from Melody Carlson
What if?.. What if I am all to see? What if life is only this? And Ignorance is bliss? What if love is only pain? And nothing can be gained by living everyday And there is no better way? What then?
- Melody Carlson
Mostly I think I've learned to trust God more. I mean, if I start getting worried or freaked, I just try to put it in God's hands. Sometimes I imagine God cradling the globe in his hands, and I tell myself that as long as I'm with God, the Creator of the universe, I can be comfortable and at home anyplace on the planet.
- Melody Carlson
I do not understand what makes mothers think they are walking-talking thermometers.But I think somewhere during the process of giving birth and changing diapers, they actually begin to belive they have this supernatural sense.
- Melody Carlson
Sometimes we have to let our dreams go in order to allow God to bring them back to us - in his way and his timing.
- Melody Carlson
I mean all this focus on how we look on the outside. It's just all wrong
- Melody Carlson
By his stripes you are healed.
- Melody Carlson
Sometimes you have to just go for what you want. Take the risk in order to get the reward.
- Melody Carlson
if you want to have a good friend, you first must be a good friend.
- Melody Carlson
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
- Melody Carlson
New life, new hope, new joy will start when this is given from the heart.
- Melody Carlson
Nothing wrong with taking time to figure out your life and make sure you really like where your life is going. I mean, it's better to do it now than when it's too late.
- Melody Carlson
Don't worry about how bad things look right now. It's all going to fall into place. You'll see.
- Melody Carlson