Quotes from Melody Carlson
I don't usually think of my writing as a 'challenge' because I enjoy the process so much. I suppose that's what's helped me to avoid 'writer's block' all these years.
- Melody Carlson
I grew up in a difficult environment, but I became a Christian as a teen. My mom and my sister soon became Christians also.
- Melody Carlson
God planned for our lives to connect. Let's make sure we keep it that way.
- Melody Carlson
A book is kind of like a river; I simply jump in and start swimming.
- Melody Carlson
When the Friend comes, the Spirit of the Truth, he will take you by the hand and guide you into all the truth there is. He won't draw attention to himself, but will make sense of what is about to happen and, indeed, out of all that I have done and said. He will honor me; he will take from me and deliver it to you.
- Melody Carlson
you don't fully appreciate what you've got until something threatens to take it away.
- Melody Carlson
a planner-the sort of person who could size up a situation and take control and be rewarded with a good outcome.
- Melody Carlson
I think we all need to learn to like ourselves-just the way we are. And if there are moderate ways to improve our looks and if we're doing it for the right reasons (not to impress our friends!), then maybe it's just fine. Beauty is very subjective-meaning that it all depends on your personal taste. I think that's why God made us all different. So instead of turning ourselves into cookie-cutter images of the latest fashion icon, why not take a moment to enjoy our differences?
- Melody Carlson
It made me wonder, if everyone is so connected to their phones-talking and texting and whatever else it is they do all day long-how do they ever have time to notice the beauty of God's creation all around them? How do they have time to connect to God?
- Melody Carlson
we're not always ready to receive God's love. And we're not prepared to accept that it comes in a variety of ways. Often when we least expect it, God's love can show up in the form of something or someone we aren't happy to see-something or someone we want to push away or even run from. And, let me tell you, God's love can make us downright uncomfortable at times.
- Melody Carlson
Our Lord reminded his disciples to show hospitality. He said there could be times when they might help or bless a stranger and in reality be blessing him. Be mindful of this as so many of you open your homes to family and loved ones and life becomes somewhat hectic. Perhaps it is in those moments, when all is not going smoothly and well, perhaps that is the very moment when you might discover the Lord is right there in your midst.
- Melody Carlson
I always thought faith was kind of a personal thing, Dad says thoughtfully. Everyone has to figure out for themselves how much they should do things like pray or read the Bible.
- Melody Carlson